From Burberry to Apple

From Burberry to Apple



What connects the Burberry brand with Apple Inc. ? For a long time – not a lot , but in recent times in the administrations of the both companies much things have changed. Well, maybe there were not drastic quantitative changes when it comes to leadership – in these companies 'one-man’ changes occured. It is rather more about the size of the contribution that the person I referred to, used to introduce into the company – and it unquestionably can be classified into BIG CHANGES.
Ok, enough of these hare and hounds. Well, foregoing Burberry’s president has quited the English luxury brand for the job at Apple. Angela Ahrendts – because it’s about her, has taken over the position of Vice President, and now she is responsible for retail sales. Among fans of the characteristic checker (the most often copied trade mark in the world!) – Ahrendts is known as one who brushed up a little dusty image of the British fashion house.

It was she who made ​​the brand departing slowly into oblivion, associated with old people rivived with a new life and convinced the young. Undoubtedly, there is no doubt that it is thanks to this woman Burberry today thrives splendidly. So far things – she made ​​available for the asking. And not just for the most influential people!



Apple company

Apple company

Okay , she was great in the fashion industry, but what the hell will woman-dealing-with-fashion do in the technological company? Well, exactly the same things which she did in the fashion industry. Both brands are marked by a luxury and at the same time availability on a massive scale.
Until recent years rapidly-growing company Apple which from year to year was recording sales growth oscillates around 72 % , reported an intimidating – only 6% sales growth iPhones recent last year. Therefore, Ahrendts’s obligation will be to encourage new users to them (as in the previous company ). She must, howeve, take care Apple to has not lost anything of its uniqueness, for which the long-time consumers value the company. An important element in her career, beginning with the Apple Inc. gonna be the Chinese market expension. Ok, maybe we Poles used to associate the Chinese as cracow tours groups trapising on the market in Krakow, or partaking Auschwitz guided tour or buying Krakow Salt Mine tours, but do not forget that the Chinese are also millions of of technological innovations freaks and annoyingly enough for the Apple, the most products they choose are Samsung signed. Therefore Ahrendts is to persuade the Chinese to Apple iPhones’ glory.

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

After Steve Jobs’ death, Apple is more and more often assessed through the prism of their past accomplishments . The company, which has suffered badly after the loss of its founder and is still trying to base on his ideas needs someone creative – someone like Angela Ahrendts . Hopefully, the first woman on the board of Apple will do a real revolution, and the brand Apple remind the whole world for what we have loved them.